For a long time, the Body of Christ in Africa has suffered the pain of poverty. While poverty comes from different reasons, the major cause of poverty in the church is the lack of investment into business by many Christians. It is unfortunate that the place of life in abundance has turned out to be a place of lack.
This is because traditionally, especially in Africa, the church has focused on the spiritual aspect of Christianity, shying away from the physical well-being of a Christian from the time they are born again to the day they will die. The belief that once born again one will go to heaven has made the church have an escapist mindset and everything they do has been directly linked to waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
This explains why many fall out of God’s way in pursuit of financial stability and freedom. Take an example of the Gospel Singers; it has become easier for them to go the secular way as they find little or no financial support from the church. The key problem is that the business aspect of monetizing talents and gifts the kingdom way has not been harnessed in the church. This case represents many more scenarios in the Body of Christ today that are a result of a lack of business-minded men and women who can invest in business ideas, talents, & innovations, etc.
The factor of neglecting the natural or physical aspect of life created three problems:
i. Doing business in the church has been seen as an ungodly activity and those who ventured in it were seen as not fully born again.
ii. Due to few Christians doing business, the principles, and values of doing business the kingdom way are not well established paving way for ungodly ways of doing business.
iii. Young people venturing into the business world are forced into the ungodly systems of doing business as they have no mentors to guide them and identify within the marketplace.
Contrary to the escapist mindset, Genesis 2:1 5 provides a model of the initial plan of God’s people’s physical welfare on earth. God placed man in the Garden of Eden as an example of what he wanted man to expand on earth to his descendants. Drawing for the context, we believe that doing business is Godly but doing it within the Kingdom values and principles is the way to manage and expand the numerous resources in the world today making our stay here on earth quality and worthwhile.
It is Transition Time!
Are you an investor, entrepreneur, business owner or have a desire to do business the Kingdom way and you are tired of the poverty in the Body of Christ? Do you feel touched to bring a change by contributing to the Kingdom’s way of doing business? Now than ever before the church needs you to arise and join the MJAN Business Forum and join hands together with key business leaders and Influencers to give solutions to the three key problems and bring back an abundant life. Come join us as we bring to realization the full potential of the church and break the norm of just meeting for prayers and services and later going out to look for what the world has to offer. It is time the church gives to the world and not just receives from the world. It is the season for Christians to live holistic quality lives on earth, and not just languish in poverty and lack as we wait to go to heaven.
For this reason, the MJAN Business forum will give you together with all business leaders, church leaders, and pastors an opportunity to have one on one training, discussions, and interactions, as well as mentorship to the young in the business world.
The four-day event that will be held from November 8-11, 2022 will be the first of its kind and it will be addressed by key business influencers and leaders, pastors, government heads, church leaders, and business owners. It will be an opportunity for participants to engage in kingdom-minded business mentorship, networks, and partnerships.
We believe that MJAN Business Forum will create a solid relationship between business leaders across the nations within Kingdom values and principles.
Don’t Miss Out!
Call for Partnerships and sponsorship
A perfect way to be part of the MJAN Business Forum is to partner with us or sponsor our event. Take advantage of the event to strengthen your relationships with Christian Business leader across the globe.
Get in touch with our team and discover our Partnership Packages on sales@fatherhoodsanctuary.com
To Support
Please contact the event organizer, Pacifique Hakizimana, on +250 789 509 073 or write to him on pacifique@fatherhoodsanctuary.com for financial support.